Sunday, April 1, 2012

Returned... Now what!

I am back in the blogging world!!  I have been thinking about getting a blog lately because I have had so many crazy life experiences and I miss my weekly letter I wrote home on my mission.  It was a great way for me to reflect on the life changes I had and the people who had blessed my life.  I always have heard people say "my mission were the best two years of my life"... or 18 months in my case.  I am not going to lie, my mission was the highlight of my life up to this point.  It was truly incredible.  I served as a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ every day all day long.  I wore his name over my heart, testified of him constantly, had wonderful companions who changed my life and I was continually reading my scriptures and on my  knees.  Admittedly there are days when I miss it so much I weep. BUT I am determined that it will not just pass and become like a dream, but rather a wonderful kick start to the rest of my wonderful life.

So now I'm giving myself a challenge.  I returned... now what?  I will be posting my adventures and experiences and whatever I feel like posting.  I just figure life is too exciting not to write down what is happening around me!  Below is a pair of my cute peruvian shoes I brought home.  One of my tag lines on my mission was "put your shoes on and go to work!".  Well, now I am needing to put my shoes on and get going with my wonderful life!  So, here I go!

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